Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Daley Show's Year in Review: We're #1!

You can run, governor, but you can't hide from another Best of 2005 list!
As 2005 draws to a close, it's time to reflect on all the things we didn't accomplish this year and try to learn from our mistakes. In case your mistake was missing any of my posts, I'd like to present what I consider the five most important events from the past year that I documented here on The Daley Show. This is my way of re-gifting some of my favorite moments of 2005, like that one Chicago Bears hard hat I got from Uncle Stan. Feel free to turn around and pass it on to someone you love. They'll thank you for it.

My criteria for picking the top five:
  • These stories had a major impact on Chicagoans or generated some comments.
  • They were reported by the New York Times (or another major news source like this blog).
  • Whenever people not from around here heard about these events, they scratched their heads and wondered, "Is Chicago really the third largest city in this country and not some backwoods village?"

    OK, I realize that I've only been blogging for just over a month, but I think I've churned out enough crap insightful information in that time to fill up today's entire issue of the Red Streak. And the way I see it, if I didn't blog about it, or take pictures of it, then it didn't really happen.

    Number 5: The mayor sings a new Christmas classic.
    In a year where he faced all sorts of corruption scandals and hints of former friends running against him in the next election, Mayor Daley rarely turned up to say anything intelligent or interesting. Perhaps his greatest moment came when he visited a hospital and sang to the children. I rewrote the lyrics.

    Number 4: Chicago passes a smoking ban, then raises the cigarette tax.
    Yup, this year, smokers really got it up their cigarette butts. I wondered how fair it was to first ban the habit, then expect smokers to pick up the tab whenever there's a budget shortfall. I also re-lived a recent trip to Ireland to let everyone know what Chicago bars might be like when the city goes smokefree.

    Number 3: Chicago leads an areawide Campaign for Quiet.
    An Andersonville bakery/coffee shop made national headlines by asking kids to keep it down. Then, Evanston banned the use of leaf blowers. Are we a city of grumpy old people?

    Number 2: Is it or isn't it OK to save your parking spot in winter?
    Surprisingly, many people don't like our little tradition of digging out our cars, then saving the spot with some piece of furniture. When the city announced that these random items would be picked up and tossed, I wondered why they still hadn't towed a bunch of cars parked on a designated snow route.

    Number 1: White Sox win the World Series. Oh yeah, I think I jumped on the bandwagon early enough to call myself a fan. Below, fans and friends in the nosebleeds celebrate another A.J. homerun during that 14-2 playoff victory over Boston. And, yeah, they're gonna be even better next year, no matter what Hillary Clinton prefers.

    Return to the The Daley Show home.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm not sure why you haven't mentioned the recent changes to 2 of chicago's icons...Marshall Field's becoming Macy's and Berghoff's closing. Maybe you're saving it for next year. I Can't believe Daley has remained mum on both of these. He made such a stink about when Frango Mint's production were moved out of the city costing the city 200 jobs. How many are going to be affected by Berghoff's?

    I haven't bought Mints since but I guess people don't seen to care. It reminds me when in high school (87-88?) when a bunch of people got sick from Salmonella from Jewel milk. I remember a poll they did right after that stated 95% of People would never shop at Jewel ever again. It tells you the power of polls.

    9:08 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    actually, it tell you the power of Poles and their milk-drinking habits ...
    similar to the milk thing, how about when all those people were poisoned by tampered Tylonel?

    9:23 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why focus on the the poison and the shut downs? oh yeah, we follow the lead of the blogger.

    Here are some of my highlights, Fanny May reopens some stores so we can buy more chocalate (had to follow this lead since Mr. Molitor loves the frangos).
    All sorts of historical buildings get torn down all over the city opening up space for more parking lots and cinder block condos (we really truely need them).
    CVS opens up more stores so now every corner in Chicago has two or three drugstores on it, even if they don't sell beer or the morning after pill (oh wait that's Target that has bowed to the fundies).
    A high school in the city now is a navy recruitment center.
    And I moved out to the burbs.

    9:50 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Art Artack what are the biggest stories of Brookfield in '05? Besides you moving out there of course.....

    10:37 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    are you kidding, you haven't heard? They put in a new sewer line on Maple Ave. Also, some small local restaurants and businesses that had no real bearing even within the town closed and other small local restaurants and businesses that will have no real bearing even within the town opened. What else, oh there were some cars broken in and someone probably got mugged. Can't get more exciting if you tried.

    10:53 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I doubt they'll reopen. They'll most likely fall into the class of other places that claimed they'll reopen.....remember The Lounge Ax. Also, didn't the Lounge Ax have a bunch of benefit concerts to raise money to reopen. If so I wonder what happened to that money....good investigation's the Pam Zekman link...

    11:12 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey, we have the Aragon closing, then becoming the Cheetah, and now, the Aragon. Reopenings take place for those who wait...

    1:09 PM  
    Blogger Marley said...

    Memorable Events in Lancaster, PA: The first Target store in Lancaster County opened in November. It has a Starbucks counter inside and a Pizza Hut Express! Before that we had a Starbucks counter in the Barnes & Noble and one actual Starbuck's Cafe. I think those damned Amish are holding us back... 20th century here we come (yes, I said 20th)

    3:26 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I just can't believe the giganticness of Mr. Molitor's mouth. (see photo!)

    3:40 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yes, literally and figuratively!

    4:58 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I cant believe that the selection of a new principal at Senn High School was not one of your top earthshaking events in the year 2005.

    7:53 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mr. Molitor was very excited at the ballgame. He's also excited that someone think his comments give him a "big mouth" attitude per an anonomous reaction..

    8:26 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    the worst thing about that photo is that Mr Molitor's big fat head blocks my round funny shaped head from the camera.

    10:49 PM  

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